Need to understand how to use your camera's flash to get rid of harsh shadows and fill in features? Read our quick tips on flash.

Artificial light, to evenly light up subject
Built in Flash - can be handy in some situations. May be too bright, need to adjust to dial down the power of the light.
Add-on flash - more power, faster recycling, bounce capability, additional features
Flash has limited distance it can go - plan for illuminating 10-12 feet
Works best that have subjects that are fairly flat
Groups of people have to be same distance - and lined up
TTL AUTO Flash - Great for people photography
Automatically figure out how much power to
Flash exposure compensation
Dial it down to -1 , -2, -3 - compare for best light.
TTL -1 TTL-2 etc.
Best setting
Flash Tip
Get the flash off the camera - cables, remotes, do whatever you can to get flash off camera.
You can bounce light with this, and are synced up with your camera.