Try these tips and notes in Indesign to create a clean professional magazine design and layout.

Pages have multiple columns, and often side columns.
Magazine Layout - when opening INDESIGN there are FACING PAGES
There will be outside margin - inside margin - outside margin
MASTER PAGES - always make sure you are in the right place before you make changes. Make sure the page number is highlighted.
You can have multiple master pages, especially if there are separate chapters.
You can click the pages and move them around.
You can edit this page and it will edit all the other pages attached to this master page so you do not have to individually change all the other pages to match.
Create outlines in text, but use sparingly because they are really hard to read. Even san serif fonts.
JUMP LINES - You can link text together, if you use two seperate text boxes instead of selecting amount of columns. (be careful there is no text missing when you go to print, that means you need to fix your text boxes/columns). Grab your selection tool grab the blue square (red box means text is outside of print area) VIEW will show you thread lines.
This way if you add a page the text will automatically know this and you won’t have to keep changing the page numbers.
You can spread TITLES across the text box above the columns.
Use text grid to make sure columns texts line up with eachother.
You can wrap text around images, but make sure text isn’t touching any lines, or points (allow white space)
Fill text with image - masking
FORM Elements, drop down options, multiple selection options, and submit buttons.
You can use numbering lists, and bullets.
Use the guides to help you line up your text boxes and images.
You can add a MULTIPLE SIZE DOCUMENT - for a page that has a fold out. (New INDESIGN feature)
Use Dummy Text at first select- TYPE - fill with Placeholder Text